Did you know that I have a weekly email with all sorts of fun information, fresh finds, antique and art world gossip, cool links and so much more?!? Yes. It's true. And this is where you can sign up to see me in your inbox every Tuesday! Click here to sign up. The weekly email is packed with all the fresh, fun news from my shopping excursions and can be in your inbox every Tuesday morning. Packed with great images, antique show and flea market schedules, online sales, fresh finds and so much more. Let's stay in touch. Get on the list and in the know!

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What is the draw of perfection? And is there such a thing. Idea. Object. Person. What are the odds that a race or an object was done perfectly rather than those around it simply did not do their best. Perfection is a finite moment that requires those in comparison to not be at the top of their game. Perfection is the end. For there could be nothing better than perfect. So why race to the end. Why want others to not be their best so you can shine. I prefer to linger in every moment. Savoring the bitter, the sweet, the salty, the sour in life. I want to feel the ups and downs that come with my successes and failures.
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Show Me Who You Are
I have a pair of tables that are anything but perfect. In fact, they are most assuredly imperfect. Well, one is anyway. But how can a pair, two things that rely so heavily on the others state of being, be separately viewed, enjoyed, admired and appreciated. You see, one of this pair of tables is as the designer intended. While the other has had ink spilled onto it. The ink has left its indelible marks deep into the dense grain of the teak wood. The abstract and organic ink forms contrasting sharply with the smooth, yet linear and architectural lines of the table. Did I see the imperfections before I purchased the pair. Absolutely. But why? Why would I chance the investment knowing that the vast majority of my clientele would categorize such an imperfection as completely unacceptable and undesirable. Why would I think that I could convince them to see the pair as individuals as well as together. Why would I want to present this merchandise in my inventory with obvious shortcomings. Because I see the beauty in it. In its history, its background and its story.

Imagine this, the pair of tables sat in the studio of a famous artist. One evening in a drunken rage, the he flung a bottle of India ink across his studio. It crashed and smashed on one of the tables. The ink soaking and sinking into the grain of the wood. All of this unbeknownst to him as the alcohol had already taken its effect and sent him into a hazy slumber on the studio floor. Awakening the next afternoon with a rumbling in his head he gazed up from the floor and saw the mess. One of the pair of his prized tables (a gift to him by a fellow artist) was now marred by the violent episode. He strode over to the scene and pressed his hand against the stain, dry. Looking away and towards his easel, he grabbed his brushes and forced himself to create in an attempt to push away the feelings of contempt he now had for himself. The resulting painting was his masterpiece (so said the critics). The height of his artistic perfection (so said the critics). And all borne out of a moment where the perfect had become imperfect. Or perhaps it was the other way around. Embrace who you are and the journey you're on. Because there are so many people cheering for you, believing in you, loving you for all of your (perfect) imperfections. And I am one of them. ❤️.
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There were also lots of fresh finds this week. Click the collage pic above to see the list of past emails (including this week's).