Did you know that I have a weekly email with all sorts of fun information, fresh finds, antique and art world gossip, cool links and so much more?!? Yes. It's true. And this is where you can sign up to see me in your inbox every Tuesday! Click here to sign up. The weekly email is packed with all the fresh, fun news from my shopping excursions and can be in your inbox every Tuesday morning. Packed with great images, antique show and flea market schedules, online sales, fresh finds and so much more. Let's stay in touch. Get on the list and in the know!

Yes. I borrowed that line from Shawn Carter's Public Service Announcement. And so I will begin. I'm Heather Karlie of HKFA (yes, last week I shared the background for that). But there's a lot of new folks here so let's take a minute. I'm an over-sharer entrepreneur who values love over all else. I've been told more times than I can count that I'll never be successful in this business because I only buy what I like rather than what sells. And to that I've always asked to see what they're using to measure success. Because by my calculations, well, let's just say I'm feeling really good.
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The Grass is Greener...
Where you water it. That's right. Because comparison truly is the thief of joy. Allow me to share with you a secret. Well, I won't reveal much because loose lips sink ships, but I will tell you that a colleague of mine recently revealed to me a major find. My first, gut, visceral reaction was one of pure excitement. The thrill of the hunt, hours of research, years of hard work and dumb luck are in the potential process of paying off. The find? Come on now, I won't share that because it's not my news to tell. But I will tell you that this discovery inspired me. Inspired me to work harder, smarter and with more passion. Inspired me to be more grateful, more joyful and more sincere. Showed me that there are plenty of discoveries out there, waiting to be uncovered and have their histories shared. The payoff? Is it worth a million dollars? A hundred million dollars? I have no idea. But I'm not in this business for the money. I'm in it for the love.

And back to the re-intro. I'm in love with this business of buying and selling art and antiques and objects and such. And if you've ever been in love you know how amazing it is. Those butterflies. Those feelings of true connection. And clearly those are with a person. A soul mate. But love has so many sides, facets, nooks and crannies if you will. There's a lot to love and we should all be so lucky to experience as much of it as possible. But how many of us are willing to take those risks. To put ourselves out there. To jump in. To try. To believe. We all have our comfort zones. And if there's one thing about me that stands out from all my other quirks, it's my distaste of comfort. Push. Prod. Pull. I live for the moments of discomfort for those are when I'm truly growing. And let's just say, I'm in a major growth spurt right now.
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And this major growth spurt is all thanks to love. Watering the grass and feeling it thick under my feet. Carressing my back as I lay on its soft bed and gaze up to the stars, the sun, the moon, beyond. Because it is always the right time to dream. Rekindling the wonder. Grounding myself and feeling the supportive power while floating, believing in more. And so I will continue to nuture, to tend and most importantly to believe. Because all of that takes confidence. And that is the root. Have confidence in you. Your abilities. Your desire. Your dreams. Have confidence that you will grow and achieve greatness. Have confidence that you are here for reasons that far outnumber anything you can perceive at present. First and foremost, share your gift. Give it away. Spread the joy. Cliches? Maybe. But clearly they resonate. Each week I have the honor and privilege of sharing with you. Sometimes it's raw and real, while other times it's light hearted. But every week it's me. The ups and downs, the failures and successes. The day-to-day life of a single mom entrepreneur. I fall short. A lot. I've been back at the starting line so many times. I've cried about it and I've jumped for joy. And each and every time, I've been thankful for the opportunity to try again. To continue on my path. To experience life. To love.
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There were also lots of fresh finds this week. Click the collage pic above to see the list of past emails (including this week's).